Katya Barton


My work is in service to reclaiming our primal voice and reconnecting to the native language of our bodies. Birthed from a deeply personal experience of freeing my own voice and expression, I discovered how to return home to my body.

I remember my mother telling me that as a baby I would scream so loudly that my entire face would turn purple. The image of this trembling, screaming, purple baby always stuck with me; that raw, unfiltered expression of voice. I wanted to know: when did I stop singing? Why did I stop singing? This question led me on a solo expedition back to my Eastern European roots, to the Primeval forest of Białowieża. I gathered and documented traditional songs of the land directly from their source, the Grandmothers of the local villages of Ukraine, Poland, and Russia.

Learning from cultures that are still so deeply connected to their landscape through song and singing does something to you. There is a remembering that happens deep in your bones. My journey and research into how the voice can return us to a more intimate relationship with our land and bodies, will never end. As I continue to go deeper into the work, I find that there are no answers, only more questions.

My work is rooted in remembering how to listen.


Bethan Lloyd


From studying Theology and Religious Studies at Cambridge to living with indigenous tribes in Brazil, I have been exploring the otherworldly nature of voice on and off stage since my childhood in Wales.

My exploration has included training as a classical singer, performing and living within the experimental scene in Berlin and learning with both shamans, masters, and the wordless ancient teachings of the natural world. My most inspiring retreat was a month in solitude with only my voice overlooking the sacred Island Ynys Enlli.

I work as a vocal composer and performer. I am an avid collaborator, currently a member of NYX, Pre-Human & The Source Collective. I have performed across the globe and currently have three solo releases with a brand new album on the way in 2023 under a Berlin label, Soulpunx.


India Rose

coordination and production

Creating connections between communities to bring more presence, understanding and creativity through relationship. Weaving these threads of connection led me to co-create and produce yellow days, a festival for bridging the gap between forced migrants in Greece and other local communities through art and music.

My personal work and journey centres around my own musical expression, which continues to evolve, alongside developing a somatic healing practice with company Source of Sound. I believe in the power of collective healing and my passion lies in birthing and cultivating spaces of connection through embodied creative practices.